Academic Programs

Everybody Counts

This program teaches students compassion and respect for people with psychological, social, and physical disabilities. Students experience various disabilities and meet people who have overcome their disabilities. This program is scheduled in October. It’s already very well planned, but we need at least 5 volunteers per day to help each grade go through “stations’ and complete activities during the week. 

Leveled Library

The Leveled library continues to grow, so we are again providing support to purchase materials this year. This library of books is used in the classroom during Literacy Time, and are leveled helping all our students become great readers.


Math Bowl, Spell Bowl Teams, SAFARI, Teacher & Principal Funds

We sponsor both the Math Bowl and Spell Bowl teams for Carey Ridge, including entry fees and shirts for the team. We provide the financing for the SAFARI counseling materials every year. The PTO provides each teacher with funds to purchase classroom supplies each year.


School Support and Services


The hospitality committee hosts monthly meals and snacks for the Carey Ridge staff, and provides food and drinks for parents and kids during PTO meetings. Hospitality also steps in when special recognition or help is needed by a staff member.


Young Audiences, Library Fund, Leveled Library

The PTO provides financial support to Young Audiences. The PTO provides funds for the Library services each year, as well as ongoing support to build the Leveled Library.


Teacher Appreciation

The PTO sponsors and underwrites the majority of the Staff Appreciation week.


Supply Kits 

Each spring, the PTO gives parents the opportunity to purchase “school supplies in a box”, to be delivered to the school in time for the next fall.


Giving Tree

The Amanda Strong Foundation works with Hamilton County agencies to help less fortunate families have a happy holiday. In November, students, with a parents permission, may select an “ornament” from the Giving Tree containing information about a gift needed by a child in the program. Parents purchase gifts and send them to school, where Amanda Strong Foundation volunteers pick them up and wrap them for distribution.


Workroom/Media Center

PTO volunteers help out our teachers by making copies and preparing materials for classrooms each day. This is a great place for parents to make a contribution with only a small commitment of time.




Ice Cream Social


The annual Ice Cream Social, sponsored by the PTO, is held before school starts. This is an opportunity to find your child’s classroom, meet teachers, administrators and bus drivers, and learn about activities in the community, all while enjoying an ice cream.


Trunk or Treat

In the month of October, PTO plans and provides a safe, family evening environment for dressing up in costumes, decorating cars, contests, and passing out of candy.  A background check for every participating adult must be on file with the office.


Movie Night

A few times a year, the PTO hosts a movie night for the students of the school. Registration is required. Parent and teacher volunteers chaperone during the event.


Classroom Parties

Typically, 3 classroom parties are held each year. Room parents and volunteers attend to provide food and fun!